Friday, August 30, 2019

The Birds: Hitchcock Vs Du Maurier's Review

Compare and Contrast

The book was written by Daphne DuMorier, while the movie was produced and written by Alfred Hitchcock. This alone is different enough to demand attention. The similarities of the book and the movie, while small, are still worth mentioning. 

The first and foremost similarity is that the basic plot is birds going wild and attacking. Another similarity is the use of boarding up doors and windows to repel the attack. Yet another similarity is that someone is found dead at a farm, with eyes pecked out. The last similarity I saw was the use of a car to transport people from one place to another. As you can see, there are not very many similarities at all.

The differences, however, are numerous. The first obvious
difference is the setting. The place has moved from a small country town in England to a bustling city in California. Also, the book takes place about 20 years before the movie does. Another difference is that the main character in the movie is a woman, while in the book it was a man.

There are too many differences in the events of the plot to list, but I will outline a few. First is the attack of the birthday party, which didn't happen in the book. Another is the attack on the gas station and the following scenes. One final major difference was the school attack.

In conclusion, like most movies that are based on books, the movie does not follow the book very much at all.

By Manuela Orozco, Step 9