Thursday, June 6, 2019

The School's Aliens


The stench was not only disgusting, but also made us feel suffocated because it was burnt plastic like, so the school was in a kind of out of this world experience since no one knew for sure what it was, but the chemistry teachers said it could be caused by a kind of leak coming from the close pharmaceutical lab where medication was produced.

Everyone felt quite strange, but in a matter of a few minutes everything started… suddenly, surreal beings landed out of their own spaceships. They were greenish with big, oval, black eyes. All of us started running across the hallways, but no teacher was able to provide an escape for us, since all rooms were locked from the inside.

I tried to call mom; however, my line was dead and so were the rest of my peers’ ones. What could we do? Those aliens were coming closer to us, so everyone was shouting really badly.

All of a sudden, the paramedics entered and had masks on, so we finally could see the reality… we were suffering from a kind of collective hallucination.

How come all of us could be looking at the same kind of beings? or were they just the paramedics that were taken by our unstable nerves as if they were aliens? This was a spooky scenario: Kids were jumping out the windows, many lied dead on the campus, some others were in panic, but unable to neither speak nor yell.

When everything was under the police and first responders’ control, all of the reporters were releasing the news: A monstrous leak, coming from the pharmaceutical lab and rapidly spread due to the autumnal winds, so it had reached our school in a matter of some minutes, causing us to suffer from the most horrific delusion ever; therefore, all of us were taken to the hospital to be detoxed.

We could finally understand what the real problem was: N,N Dimethyltryptamine, a psychedelic drug, was intentionally vaporized by two workers in one of the labs from the pharmaceutical facility close to Morrigan School.

From that day on, administrators and the school district have been relocating kids in different schools from the same cluster for us not to be endangered once again.    

The responsible workers were enforced by law and confessed their crime, telling that they had to do it because there was a kind of experimental theory that was trying to replicate the same symptoms of schizophrenia and if it was possible to do it with many at the same time; despite these workers accusations, nobody in the lab admitted that theory, but they rather said these workers were also doing their job without masks, so they were daydreaming too, as a consequence of having inhaled that drug as well.

Anyway, the labs owners and workers were imprisoned for life because of not having the correct safety procedures.

By Miss Odilia Pérez, E.L.A. Teacher.