Thursday, June 6, 2019

Short Futuristic Story

90 Years

Simon was the most important scientist in the world, he had the greatest family, he was leading the biggest research program on teleportation in time by injections financed by the United States government and was paid the most in the world, what else could he ask for?

Simon every day spoke about how his mother always told him that he constantly needed to thrive for more, that he couldn’t be a conformist or a lazy man, that he was meant to be a part of history in some way, and that he was right there to change the world.

Simon took this advice by heart and converted it into his law of life. Day and night he lived by this law he had preestablished and would get upset if he didn’t do anything productive or if he didn’t make progress on his investigation. Simon was very hard on himself, he wanted to make his mom proud, at least before she died since she had Ebola.

Last week aa hemorrhagic eruption appeared throughout his mother’s body. Hemorrhages started on her gastrointestinal tract, causing Mary to bleed from both the mouth and the rectum. No one really knew how to cure Ebola. Simon was carrying two investigations at the same time, the one to safe his mom and the one about teleportation, so he didn’t sleep, or rest well, nor eat the right amounts. Working was consuming him little by little, but he didn’t care. He was going to do all in his power to safe her, she was the only and most important woman in his life. The only problem was that he had maximum 4 hours to save her life.

Simon kept working on both projects until he realized that if
he went to the future, it was probable that the cure for Ebola had already been invented. He focused all his attention on teleportation and the unbelievable occurred. He had created the only trial injection for teleportation since it was something so dangerous.

Simon insisted he was the one going to the future, everyone thought this was nuts since he was the one leading the investigation, and so if the injection needed some adjustments who was going to be there to give the orders and supervise and lead? Obviously all this people only said because thy didn’t know his only purpose was to safe his precious mom.

Simon ended up taking the injection and passing out for an hour, it was now 9 o’clock, he had three hours left, he had until midnight. Simon woke up in a completely new age, he was in the future, cars were flying all around him, everything was grayish, there were no trees, everyone was wearing oxygen masks because of the polluted air. He didn’t stop to think where he was, he just set the clock and started running to the nearest hospital.

Simon was running like a crazy man through the streets, he was lost and couldn’t see a hospital, he tried to ask other people were to go, but they acted like he was a phantom.

After 2 hours of looking and running he found a hospital, he went to the nurse station asked for the chief, told him it was an emergency and after insisting during at least half an hour he came down to help him. Simon didn’t even say hi, he just asked if they had the cure for Ebola, sadly they didn’t, they were still running the investigations. Simon thought he had time to return and create a cure, the only thing he hadn’t realized was that because of some strange reason in this new age time run slower so by the time he returned home his mother was already dead.

Simon never forgave himself for his actions, fell into depression, not because he hadn’t saved her but because he was so involved in the investigations that he didn’t spend the last days with his mom.

It has been 90 years since that incident, Simon has found the cure for Ebola, and for the first time he realized that the chief of surgery he was talking to in the future was himself. Simon continued to be persistent and never failed on the law of his life, the only difference is that now he knows that the advice his mother gave him was not to make her proud, it was that he could look himself at his mirror and being whom he was. Now he knows the future is uncertain but that a change that seems impossible now, despite many times you fail, actually isn’t, it could become a certainty.
By Isabella Duarte, Step 9.
The End