Thursday, June 6, 2019

My Horror Story

The Damned Girl

Once upon a time, during a past historical period, something really strange happened, something that nobody had seen before, something you might tell your grandchildren.

Google and the books as well show for us a lot of events that are horrific, sometimes you can tell they are out of this world, so without any other preamble, I'll start to tell you...

Once there were a girl and a boy sitting on a park's bench, so he wanted to kiss her, but when he approached her, the girl disappeared, not knowing what happened to her, he looked around twice up to he saw her again in front of him.

Instinctively, he tried to run away, but the girl was now so powerful that was allowed for her to teleport herself, as a consequence, it was impossible for the boy to escape, but opposite he was taken to a kind of secret room where there were lots of photos depicting him and also a lot of corpses with T-shirts where his name was written. 

It seemed the boy had recently died, so he went closer to better see, so he could observe his face in those corpses; as a result, he was terribly scared because the girl had a curse that  could be explained by telling she couldn't be with any boy and if any man tried to be with her, he would be condemned to death, after looking to those corpses and strange things. 

How do we know then about this event?, you might be wondering yourself, so try to create your own explanation to this case.

By John S. Afanador R, Step 8.