What Would Happen If A War Against Venezuela Outbreaks?
The conflict between Colombia and Venezuela is a reality
that the population of both countries has been suffering since the ex-president Hugo Chavez had Venezuela under his mandate, went on with his death, and the elections of 2013 in which Nicolas Maduro, his right-hand man, won.
How? how this man who was a bus driver is now in charge of a whole country? That is the question to which millions of people around the world have tried to find an answer.
Six years have passed after the elections and nobody understands how a country as Venezuela, rich in oil and minerals, a country called “The millionaire of America”, has a 61,2% of poverty and it is increasing, based on a report that was presented by the sociologist María Gabriela Ponce of the Catholic University Andrés Bello (UCAB).
The appearance of Juan Guaido offers hope to the Venezuelan people by proclaiming himself as Interim President, action that many countries have supported by considering him as the Official President of that country, immersed in poverty and corruption.
United States, most specifically his president Donald Trump,
wanted to make a military intervention in Venezuela, in that way they can overthrown Maduro, leaving him without power so that, this affected country will go on. Unfortunately, Maduro isn't alone, he has as allies world powers like Russia and China, which wouldn't permit the U.S. to attack Nicolas Maduro.
If U.S.A decides to intervene in Venezuela to try to forcibly remove Maduro from power, Russia and China will attack back, probably thanks to the allies of the U.S.
Having said so, Colombia, Neighboring country to Venezuela, could be the perfect place in which a war could burst. If this happens, our country isn't military able to fight with world powers, but with Donald Trump by our side, they will help us. But anyways thousands of lives will end, Colombians, Venezuelans, Americans, Russians, etc, could die in a war that could be solved through civilized dialogues.

I had seen how my country is also being affected, so where from are we going to find works for so many people if the unemployment rate increases every year? where from will we feed entire families that come with nothing but hope if in this country there are thousands of children dying because of hunger? The government and the people have acted with solidarity in this situation; however, how can a country with so many problems solve the issues of another?
By María Camila Pinzón, Step 9.