Colombia Vs. Venezuela: A Seemingly Non-Ending Crisis
War some may say is the shortest, but strongest and most powerful
word we have ever heard. Death, tears, pain, misery, destruction each of these
words describes a war; however, who are the most affected living organisms? Us,
the humans, and who creates the wars? Again, us, the humans. Are we stupid or
blind? Can’t we control our actions and feelings? Are you a part of this living
Along our history the consequences of this word have evolved, with
the creation of millions of new weapons, firearms, pistols, grenades, chemical
weapons, nuclear bombs ready to be used. Haven’t we learned the lesson, because
if proof is needed, the first and the second world war can be named, isn’t that
enough destruction?. According to people’s attitude, it isn’t; therefore, is world war III in our plans for the near
future? Are Colombia and Venezuela the starting point of this war?
Millions of questions have emerged around the possible war between
Colombia and Venezuela, It is not a secret for anyone that a conflict is taking
place, that people are suffering, that are living in miserable conditions, with
nothing to eat, nowhere to sleep, no electricity, as a whole a crappy life. The
Venezuelan government, which by the law is bound to protect, and give the best
living conditions to its citizens, isn’t proposing solutions, it’s failing on
its duty.

José Negrón Valera, a journalist who has been keeping track
of the
Venezuelan Crisis, affirms that taking into account the present reactions and
way of conduct Colombian citizens have towards Venezuelan ones, if a formal war
between Colombia and Venezuela isn’t created, a civil war or a nonconventional
one will be taking place. Or worse, he believes people may deliberately start
to plan selective assassinations, not only against the leaders of the
revolution, but also of the opposition, may try to deal with experimental drugs
of high purity, never seen before to cause a strong damage in the population,
they may try to sabotage and spoil critical infrastructure, and also accentuate
the moral weakening of society and the ability of the State to respond.
Off course, I can see that coming because I know how capable we are, I
know I don’t have to fear animals or nature, I have to fear myself and the
people around me, and if I think we can avoid this? Yes, we can. There are millions
of options floating on each and everyone’s minds. It is up to us to make the
right call, it is up to us to save the world.
By Isabella Duarte, Step 9.