Thursday, May 16, 2019

A Solution

Colombia VS VenezuelaA Solution?

During the last years, Venezuela has been involved in a
complicated and dangerous spiral of desperation disgraces that only appear to grow each day. There are many problems that the Venezuelan population has been facing throughout time, for example, hyperinflation, which affects the country’s economy; consequently, the lack of basic goods like food. The absence of medicines at the hospitals and many other problems that affect the health system of the country, and as an effect, also its habitants. Besides, this situation has increased violence and crime in the country; for example, in 2016, 27,479 people were killed.
Meanwhile, the government of Nicolas Maduro insists that all these problems are only a political technique from the United States in order to obtain the country’s control and profit its oil.
This is an issue that has been continuously escalating until now, that we are in a point of no return, where the crisis is suffocating the people. But Venezuela is not the only one affected, neighboring countries like Brazil, Ecuador, Peru and Colombia have also suffered the consequences, the main one being the constant flow of Venezuelan people through the borders, being this the biggest migration Colombia has ever faced, just to begin with, more than three million Venezuelans have left the country in recent years.
 After the brand new problem Venezuela and Colombia is
facing (to know who the actual president is) the option of starting a war with Venezuela is scarier, second by second, because of many reasons. Just to begin with, throughout history we have seen how the economies of the countries that opt for war have been affected by it. This because all the country’s economy focuses on financing the war, which is a really high price to pay, just to enrich the dark interests of a minority.

 To continue with this disaster, a really complicated international situation would arise, because Colombia would probably receive support from countries such as the United States; in contrast, Venezuela might be helped by countries such as Russia and China. Creating tensions that could make the problem even worse and just provoking it to grow bigger and bigger.

And off course, we can´t forget about the elephant in the room, the logical damage that is linked to any war, the environmental and social damage. A war does not come without big and serious consequences, here, we would see Colombia and Venezuela’s biodiversity deeply affected. And the amount of lives that would be lost might be a waste to human’s development and history, besides the fact that every life is important.

Now, we can only have hope. Hope for the ones that rule this
country to take the most mature decision in order to solve this problem. Because even though everyone understands that this situation is truly complex, war should never be a solution. Now we can only hope for these countries to solve this matter taking into account our lives and our countries' development, and not only the interests from other involved parties.
Hope and take actions to help this  brand new world that we are constructing, day by day.

By Camila Orozco, Step 9.