Thursday, April 4, 2019

What He Lost

What He Lost

Once upon a time, there was a poor man who lived with his
young brother on a little farm, in a little town in which everyone knew each other, but he was tired of living that way, working hard every day of his life, eating just the necessary because then the food might be scarce, so he wanted to have money to be able to give himself the luxuries he wanted. In that way, the rich people of the city wouldn't make fun of him. He didn't want to clean or wash the dishes anymore.

His young brother always said to him that with hard work and hope in God everything could be possible, that his avarice and selfishness could destroy him.

He never pays attention to it, in fact, he believes that God only helps and cares for the rich people, so he ignored the wise words of his little brother.

One day, he was so desperate because the food was over and his brother became sick, so God decided to help him and sent him a Guardian Angel because he never abandoned him.

When the Angel appears in front of him he gets very angry, he didn’t want the help of God or the Guardian Angel, except if they could transform him into a rich man.

The Angel decided to make a deal with him, which consisted of if he could make his dream come true, but he needed to sacrifice something in return. He imagined for a second everything that would happen if he became rich.

He will have a big house, he will have his clothes cleaned, someone will clean his house, he will have a professional chef that cooks him, the people in the market or in the city are never going to piss him off and hundreds of thoughts like that went through his head in just a few seconds.

He decided to accept and in a flicker, he was in a different place, it was a mansion, the floor was made up of ceramics and his clothes were silky, so he was amazed. Surprised he tried to search for his brother calling him by his name, but he wasn't anywhere, he also tried to find his town’s friends, but nobody was there.

At that very moment, the Guardian Angel appears, the man
desperate asks him where his friends went, the angel responds that his wish had a sacrifice and what he lost were his friends and brother, he didn't think in the people who loved him, then he lost them.

By María Camila Pinzón, Step 9