Thursday, March 14, 2019

Why Not To Step On Somebody Else's Shoes? E.F:

Why Not To Step On Somebody Else's Shoes? E.F:

Good morning everyone! My name is Natalia Rojas, I’m a 9th grader student at American School.
People ask us what we hope for our world in several years from now.  We have no idea what the world will be like in a given amount of time, we don’t even know if we’ll be alive but still, there are so many things that I hope in the future for a better world.
First of all, we need to know what “hope” means, according to the dictionary is a feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen. So, these upcoming assertions are a few of my desires for the future.
First of all, war. It’s incredible to think that we live in a world
where it's preferred war over helping people, less than 1% of what the world spends every year on weapons is what it needs to put every child into school, society is so focused on fighting that we forget about our priorities, according to UNICEF 22,000 children die each day due to poverty, how are we letting this to happen?, why cannot we just join as a group or a team, where everyone works together to reach the same goals?, I would hope someone in the future get to be a part of a peaceful and friendly world.
Secondly, discrimination. We live in a world where everything and everyone is criticized, for the color of the skin, religion, for their likes, social strata, for everything, people have set standards of what is socially acceptable, I grew up knowing that everyone, no matter their skin tone or physical features or even gender, is equal, that we all feel happiness, pain or any kind of emotion.

You need to step yourself into somebody else's shoes, someone who is feeling discriminated, who is fighting everyday, trying to survive all the pain, trying to be stronger, to keep going, did you know that 1 of every 10 students who drops out of school does so because of repeated discrimination or bullying, or that 282,000 students are physically attacked due to discrimination or bullying in secondary schools each month.

Sadly, we live in a world where no one cares, no one realizes that this is a huge problem, discrimination can be turned into depression, anxiety or even suicide, we are ending lives of innocent people.
Insecurity, we live in a world where people are afraid of leaving their houses due to insecurity, we are always seeing in the news these terrible things, like sexual assault, kidnapping, etc. Is crazy for me to think that someone can be so cruel and inhuman to make someone suffer in any kind of way, just to make money or even for pleasure, innocent people are dying every day, we should be able to live in a world without violence and without fear.
These are just a few things, but I could be talking for hours, there are so many things to change to make this world a better world, but we need to start now, it isn’t impossible, I have learned that you are never too small to make a difference, an impact, a change.

Like Barbara Mikulski said “Each one of us can make a difference. Together we make a change.

Thank you.
Natalia Rojas, Step 9.