Thursday, March 14, 2019

Who Is Going To Change The World?

Who Is Going To Change The World? 
EF Speech

When I was asked what my hopes for the future of my
society were, I realized that there were so many answers to that question and I didn’t quite know where to begin, many thoughts started to fill my mind, there were so many things in the world I wished they could be different and I had so many ideas on how the future could turn out to be. What a hard question it was! 

Good morning, my name is Natalia Del Castillo, I’m 15 years old, I study at American school, I’m in 9th grade and as anyone here, I have dreams, I have aspirations but most importantly, I have hopes. 

I hope that one day we will all be able to coexist peacefully, I hope that someday we could all be seen as equals regardless of race, culture, gender, sexual orientation, creed and I could keep going, I hope that someday instead of building walls, we’ll start to build bridges. Sounds beautiful huh? But it also kind of sounds “impossible”.

We always tend to limit ourselves, we often believe that we are not good enough, we think that we can’t do it, but what would happen if for a second, if for a moment we actually believed we could? What would happen if we tried to make a change and to turn the “impossible” into reality?

I am a firm believer that all limitations are self-imposed, I think that we all together could make a change and I know that it just takes one person to make a difference. I think that a perfect future for me would be a world where we were all seen as equals, a world where the saying “woman belong in the kitchen” would never be heard, a community where men could show their feelings without fearing to become “less of a man”, I dream of a world where your sexual orientation would not define the kind of person you are or how you should be treated, a place where the color of your skin or your income would not make you better than anyone, a society that instead of judging, embraces the differences and celebrates diversity.

Equality is the path to a better world, many of the conflicts in our world are due to the lack of it, by thinking we are better than anyone else, by trying to change who people are, by telling others what their lives should be like, by telling girls how they should dress to no get into trouble, by telling boys that they are not supposed to be sensitive, by excluding and humiliating those who have other preferences or creeds.

If we want to see our world change, if we want to be better and to really entirely taste what freedom is, we should start with this, we should start here, we should start now and we might be surprised to see how something as little as changing our perception about one another can change the world.

If not us? Who?, if not now? When?

Thank you.

By Natalia Del Castillo, Step 9