Thursday, March 14, 2019

A World Of Losers? E.F.

A World Of Losers? E.F.

Hello! My name is Carlos Guerra, I live in Barranquilla, Colombia, I study at American school, and I am 15 years old.
I am wondering what  my hopes for the future of our society are. So, this wasn't the first time that I heard and that I asked myself if  I do have hopes in our world, in our society.

I started investigating about the future of our society, but then I realized that this was a question about what I really think, what I expect, so I continued thinking and I concluded that if we lose our hopes, we are going to die very soon because if you don’t hope anything for anyone, you will not take care of it. 

If you didn’t expect something out of the world, you wouldn’t sacrifice for it, so I realized that if I don’t have hopes, then how am  I expecting to have a better world? We need o put at least my grain of sand, to make from this a better place for our sons, for our grandsons.

How am I expected to change the world?, to tell you the
truth,  I believe I don’t have to lose my hopes to help changing the world. We can try to change what is happening, but all depends on you and I, the last thing that we might lose is our hopes. Let's free our minds and be more positive.

We can lose a lot of things, but if we lost hopes we wouldn’t fight for what we deserve, we are going to be careless, we wouldn’t make an effort for our society, so I know that we don’t want to lose our world. 

Finally,  make efforts together, we have to risk everything, but please don’t lose the hopes on this society, otherwise we might be just living in an anachronistic world, since this one requires from dynamism, creativity, and enthusiastic people to build the future we want to. Do not inherit a forlorn world to your children!

 Thank you.

By Carlos Guerra, Step 9.