Friday, March 8, 2019

What The Generation Z Is Meant For: EF Speech

What The Generation Z Is Meant For:        EF Speech

Good Morning, my name is Isabella Duarte, I’m a step nine grader at  American School, and today I want to invite you all to open your eyes and ears so that we can completely be aware and together take on the reins of the future.

First of all, we often ask ourselves this question, what would
be of us in the future?, or at least I have and the answer I gave myself was, we need to make a change, we need to aid, we are the future generation, we are the hope the last ingredient this planet needs to turn  into a perfect cake, but then I asked myself if we were really doing something to make a 360 degree turn, and I realized many of us talk and talk, but never intervene.

What the majority of people on this earth do is using excuses, no sorry I can’t, it doesn’t matter cause I’m just one and millions of people are throwing the trash in the streets, is the most common excuse, no I can call you whatever name I want and disrespect you because words don’t hurt and I’m not touching you or harming you physically, so it doesn’t matter, or I’ll go to sleep, I’m tired, it just an hour, I can even get it done tomorrow, a few, hours, minutes, days what is the difference right? Aren’t you tired of listening to the same phrases all over again because I am and I have just lived for 15 years, aren’t you tired of being part of the ninety nine percent of people that just wait and expect for someone to get the job done instead of doing it themselves.

Along our history, they’ve given us a variety of names, from Baby Boomers to Generation X , from Generation T  to Millennials and now they call us the Generation Z , when I saw this it seemed to me as a particular name, they’ve given us the last letter of the alphabet, I interpreted it as the last chance our society has for doing what is supposed to be done, then I started digging in this topic and came into realizing that we are a generation of entrepreneurs, of inventors, we are a generation with brilliant ideas, with opinions, we are a generation that isn’t afraid of what’s coming, we are a generation that has the capability, the resources, the way to make an impact, to demonstrate that dreams can become real, that having hope, that believing isn’t in vain, that being remembered as part of history isn’t difficult, we are that generation.

After getting myself around the idea that we were the chosen ones, that I was part of it, that it just took one to have curiosity and to make a difference, but that together, supporting each other and leaving our personal interests aside we could make a greater difference, I became fully aware of what I expected, of what I wanted, but I guess I knew it from the beginning, that we should treat each other as equals, that we should evolve without stepping over our partners or rejoicing in their pain, that together we make a better one, that we should learn from mistakes, from our ancestors that have a greater knowledge of what to live is, that wars should vanish, as cliché as it sounds, that peace
and love are the key and that no matter how many times we fail it is possible to succeed and that each try isn’t a failure, it’s enriching, the difference from the beginning and now is that I know exactly what characteristics I want in our generation, in myself, I want kindness, love, calm, fraternity, respect, happiness, commitment, loyalty, persistence, and I want triers that continue and that never give up in front of adversity.

And finally, I know this can be really scary, because I felt the pressure, but as someone very wise said “Don’t fear change. You may lose something good, but you may also gain something great.

Thank You.

By Isabella Duarte, Step 9