Friday, March 8, 2019

Our Responsible Future: EF Speech

Our Responsible Future: EF Speech

Hello, my name is Gabriel Omar Guerra,I’m a step 8 student, I’m 13 years old, and I live with my parents and my little sister.

I like to think optimisticly on the future, I like to think that everything will be better and that we will be advancing in many ways, that there won’t be more discrimination against people, we could feel safer anywhere, and overall just be peaceful times, but there's just a small problem, we can’t, in the world we live in, animals are going extinct, in the world we live in, people are discriminating each other, in the world we live in, we are slowlly running out of resources and we are damaging the environment, in the world we live in, you can’t feel safe out of your house, and if we keep going down this path, the future won’t be any better.

I’m not saying that we can’t be better than this, in fact I think
we just need a little push in the right direction, what we need to do is creating a society based on respect, we need to strive to be better every day and if we don’t change that, we will go down a very bad path, one that will lead to our own extinction. 

A few of these wrong behaviors are the hunting of various species which have led to them being on the brink of extinction like is happening with the white tigers.

We humans haven’t been responsible for our trash and as such we have caused deforestation and the melting of glaciers. We have caused wars and those wars have killed many innocent people and left many others homeless and hungry.

We have done some terrible things, and if we are to have a better future, we ourselves should become better people.

Thank you for listening to my speech and have a nice day.

By Gabriel Guerra, Step 8