Friday, March 8, 2019

Today's Perspectives: EF Challenge

Today's Perspectives: EF Challenge

What are your hopes for the future of our society ?

Hello! My name is Brandon Afanador. I am from Barranquilla, Colombia. I’m 15 years old, I’m studying at American School where I am in 9th grade and is a big pleasure for me taking the EF challenge; therefore, I’m going to talk about what my hopes for the future of our society are. 

So, my hopes for the future of our society are that no more
corruption in the government exists because the money that they steal belongs to the poor and humble people that earn it not doing bad things to the city.
They not only rob people without money, but also those who have money, by promoting felonies with the public treasury, so with a few resources left there is less to solve, so my hope in the future is to end that corruption in the government that we have had the last years,   the idea is that the government helps those who do not have anything, instead of stealing from them.
Poverty  is something that we have to change.  We have to help the needed because if we help them, they could be better people and the most important thing is to make them grow their hope that in a future they can be someone in life because if there is something  that I know is that the world is like a clock and is composed of many things, the clock has the seconds, the minutes hand etc. ... these pieces are us and no one is born with no reason we all are born with a purpose and one of them is to make a better world.

Unfortunately, today there are more people who hurt you and make you do bad things, but if you help the person that is in need he can complement the clock, that is why we must believe in others to do things that improve the future, help those who need us and they will help others and that will create more and more hopes in the future and it will be better because the idea is to change how people think. Rich people should help more the poor people instead of buying things that they don’t even need; for example, buying food, clothing, and giving job opportunities. 
Then, my conclusion with this is that we should have more
hope in education, in better jobs, in a transparent government, if you invest a little of your time doing this we can make a better world.
“Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.” (Bill Keene, Aug. 31st, 1994. The Family Circus cartoon), so take advantage and build hope for others.

Thanks so much for your attention.

By Brandon Afanador, Step 9