Friday, March 8, 2019

EF Challenge Speech by Angelo Martínez

EF Challenge Speech

Hello, let me introduce myself, my name is Angelo Martinez and I’m very happy to be able to give my speech about this important topic.

Over the years, society has grown really quickly and we’ve been looking towards our future,
but there are things that have vanished and it’s because of our ‘‘progress’’ and in consequence, many lives are lost in the countless wars that are going on that only lead to the destruction of everything and everyone we love. The corruption has been increasing a lot too and we lose the confidence to speak freely because of the fear of being criticized.

This isn’t the only reason of why we’re going downhill, endangered animals that we must protect because if not we’ll lack resources and die, why is this happening? Human activities that destroy and pollute the environment just for money and fame, there are many corporations that protect but there are also some that say that they’re ‘‘protecting the environment’’ when they’re doing nothing to help and instead, they make things much worse, other reasons of why we’re going downhill are wars, poverty and starvation, if we don’t do something now, we never will later and the world as we know it, will never be the same again.

There are many more reasons to talk about that are happening as we speak, the unfair dictatorship that Venezuela has and torture, not only to animals, but to humans too. All of these things must NOT be acceptable in any shape or form, we have a very important right that represents every single one of us: The right to live, if we want to live a really long life, we must protect our surroundings so it can stay long enough and we can live the life we all deserve.

So, everything that we’ve seen so far is more than enough to answer the question: What are your hopes for the future of our society? Well, my answer is this one: There’s still time to do something, don’t consider that it’s too late to save the world because thanks to the technological improvements, there’s still hope.

As Stan Lee (1922-2018) said: ‘‘with great power comes great responsibility’’. This makes us think: What are we waiting for? Let’s make our dreams come true and prevent that those dreams stay as dreams.

Let’s go out there and save the world that we live in. Time flies so if we arrive too late, all of our hopes and dreams will be lost…


By Angelo Martínez, Step 8