Thursday, March 21, 2019

The Unseen Steps

The Unseen Steps

Horror Story

A girl in her adolescence decides to get a job as a babysitter in  the house of a rich family, due to be done one night. 

The wealthy family had a very large house with many rooms., which was full of many artifacts and old ornaments from all over the world. 

When the parents were going out, he tells the girl that once she left the children in bed, she had to go down the basement, watch TV there, and not to roam through the house. 

Once the children were asleep, the girl retires to the basement room to watch TV. However, she can not concentrate on her show because in the corner of the room there was a statue of a clown of natural size that smiled. 

She finally decides to cover the statue with a blanket to be able to ignore it. After a while, she could not stop looking at the clown's statue's feet that exalted outside the blanket.

She decides to call the children's father upstairs and ask for his permission to watch TV in another room, since she was scared by the giant clown statue in the basement room.

"Listen very carefully," says the man to the girl. "Our children have complained about a clown that enters their room in the middle of the night. We just thought they were nightmares. We do not have a clown statue. You have to search for children and leave the house now! 

I'll call the police. "The girl hangs the phone, she turns to look at the covered clown statue, but everything she sees is a blanket on the ground, and hears steps down the basement.

What could have happened? Write your own ending.

By Andrés Ibarra, Step 10