Thursday, March 21, 2019

The Savior's Crucifix

The Savior's Crucifix

Mike always wakes up at 3:00 am to go to  school that starts at 5:00 am and ends 3:00 pm, so  he always arrives home tired and then  does homework correctly during 5 hours .

But one evening, it was so dark, so he was curios about it
since it was 6:00pm and was alone home and so nervous that every five minutes he listened to steps around the house.

Later, it was raining and Mike called his mom, but the signal was bad and his mom was in another country, then Mike was so scared that went to the house of his neighbors, but they were traveling; then, he was running and running to look for some friends, but he slipped and his foot was bent and he was listening to the steps closer every time, until he arrived  to the house of a friend whose name was JP.

JP was talking with Mike about the cause of his fears, then they were watching a movie and later JP said that he was going to accompany him to his house, so JP looked  at something so strange that Mike didn’t want to enter, but finally Mike accepted and continued doing his homework for next day.

On the second day, Mike was happy because his mom arrived  and he went to the school because everything was normal. He passed 2 exams of math, then he arrived to his house and Mike saw a suitcase. 

He was running to the room of his mom, but she wasn't there
and Mike was so thrilled and smelled something in the kitchen, so he went there so fast that he saw his mom was there cooking something, but suddenly Mike  saw his burned mom or at least that was what he thought happened.

Later, he began talking about all the things that had happened and his mom, saved, was so confused and so scared that she gave a surprise to Mike, a nice crucifix that could keep evil spirits apart from him, so he was so happy . Since then, they became a very happy family.

By Juan Pablo Cabrera,
 Step 10