Thursday, March 21, 2019

The Crystal Cabin

The Crystal Cabin

Horror Story 

Once upon a time, in a little town lived a man named Peter along with his wife and two children where they were a happy and united family, but one day a group of witches started to kidnap kids to make a posion to stay young forever.

They took and ate all the children in town, including Peter's ones, he wanted revenge so he dedicated all his life to hunt witches. 

One day, after following a group of witches on a forest he didn’t know, he got lost, so the man was so worried because it was getting darker and he knew that at night the witches' powers got stronger. 

After running through all the forest, looking for an escape, the
man found a big wooden house. He knocked at the door many times and then he realized that the door was opened,  so when he entered the house he noticed how abandoned and alone it was.

There was nothing but a bed, so he decided to stay just that night, but while trying to sleep he noticed that there were many pictures of what seems to be dead people and they looked like if they were spelled and taken in that same forest  and he was so scared that almost didn’t sleep any time.

The next day, the hunter wanted to take the pictures with him
to find out more about them, but instead of finding the pictures he discovered that the wood house was surrounded by a lot of windows, thing that scared him so much because he realized that what he saw the night before were all the people the witch had killed, so he couldn’t live with the guilt, of not having being able of saving anyone, so he committed suicide.

By Lady Madiedo, Step 10.