Thursday, March 21, 2019

Horrific Beauty

Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder

An old lady sat in front of the mirror examining her face, noticing wrinkles and blemishes all around it, and the scar in her hand, so she decided it was the time again when she needed to go and look for a change in order to become pretty once more.

So, she went and put on the most marvelous dress she owned, with golden accessories and high heels, and ventured into the night, which was colder and darker than usual (Probably because it knew what was going to happen).

She found what seemed to be a party organized by a
sponsor that only admitted college-aged people, the perfect place to look for young people trying to have fun, while looking attractive, she decided this had to be her spot.

She changed her dress for a uniform, put the dress inside of her bag, and then told the bodyguard at the entrance that she was going to check for the sound, as supposedly it could start giving problems and shut down completely. Then, she was let in.

She began walking in circles for 10 minutes to search for the perfect subject, and finally found her. She was sprawled over on a corner, all alone and with dozens of bottles around her. But aside from the stage she was in, you could still see that it was a young and beautiful lady. 

She took her without anyone noticing and went to the most
secluded spot she could find and began her demonic deeds.

She started a ritual by chanting an evil song, slicing open the hand of the poor lady, who woke up disoriented and crying from the pain, the old lady didn’t appear to be fazed by this, and continued what she was doing.

Her face slowly started to change, taking a demonic form that only made the pretty girl more scared, she began screaming for help, but that was a fatal mistake.

She opened the mouth of the girl and began suctioning the life out of her. When she was finished, the young lady looked ancient, while the old lady looked young and beautiful, she changed into her dress and exited the bedroom, being pleased by the compliments thrown at her, and took of into the night, satisfied by how well this hunt went.

By Laura Cadena, Step 10