Thursday, March 21, 2019

The Crazy Man of Wells

The Crazy Man of Wells

It was the darkest and warmest night of that summer in the little country of Wells, England. 

Lauren, Robin and Anne met, as always at 11 o’ clock in front of Robin's house to just chat, laugh, eat pizza and enjoy the last summer nights on a blanket laying on the ground, so they could watch the stars, before the school beginning. 

The street was strangely empty and some of the streetlights didn't work very well.. but they didn't care because for them it was a beautiful night, not to waste on unworthy entanglements.

At a certain moment, they heard a noise, so they turned around and it was just the old crazy man who lived near Robin, that left his house. They decided to watch what he was doing. They noticed he had a pitchfork in his hands, so he started forking a pile of straw. But why at that time of the day? 

They saw a puddle of blood created under the pile of straw and there was a dead body inside it! Then he took gasoline and set fire to the pile of straw. 

The kids were really scared, so they had to enter Robin's home without making any noise. Unfortunately, Lauren fell while running and the crazy man saw her...Now, he knew that the kids were aware of his secret, he couldn't let them live and he had to kill them.

He started running in their direction, Lauren was trying to stand up but it was impossible, she twisted her ankle badly, so the man killed her with his pitchfork.

Robin, after seeing this scene, panicked and couldn't move;
therefore, the man killed him too.

Only Anne could escape and entered Robin's house. She immediately closed the door, but the man followed her and tried to break the door.

He was about to do it but suddenly a glass bottle hit him on the head... Robin threw it! He wasn’t dead! 

The crazy man died in pain. They were safe, but pitifully their

friend Laura was not.

They could never forget that dark, warm summer night. 

By Federica Tampu, Step 10