Friday, March 8, 2019

People Craving for The Future: EF.

 People Craving for The Future: EF.

Hello, everyone!

My name is Dina Reyes, I’m 15 years old and I’m a student at American School, so today I’m gonna talk about the future and my hopes for it. But, What’s the future?

For me is a really uncertain thing and like Pablo Neruda used
to say “the future is space”, a space in time, a space in which many people would love to be, but in which many others don’t get the chance to experience, because today we are alive, though tomorrow nothing assures us that we will be, especially because in this world in which killing is the bread of the day and hate is  a dear companion.

Many people crave for the future, they think all the time about it, as a consequence they stop thinking about the present and they stop constructing their lives waiting for the future to do it for them. Other people fear the future because threats have their days counted, thanks to diseases, they just want to freeze time because of the fear to death and also losing their chance of being in that space in a time called future. Other people think the future would only bring trouble or they don’t know what would it bring and that’s the thing they fear the most.

I have lots of hope, my heart and soul are full of them, I feel that a human being without hopes is nothing and I feel that the day that the human beings don’t have hopes anymore, they would live with death inside themselves, but I have many hopes for the future, I'm dying to stop the news of the day, that we lose the need of killing, hating, insulting, the need for suppression, for criticism and many other things that just lead us to our self-destruction.

I have hopes for a future in which we learn to construct a present, a future in which we are free of the negative and bad things of the world, a future in which dreams can come true and society doesn’t even have the chance to ruin them, a future full of equality in which the human beings treatment don’t depend on their social or economic strata, a future in which discrimination disappears, in which we learn to take care of the world that is our home. Every day we learn a new way of damaging the planet; however,  we don’t care because we don’t see bad things happening in the present or we just prefer to ignore them, but what about the future?

I want the world to learn how to truly live for something or for
someone, in which we learn to love and not believe in superficial things, I want a work in which the love for superficial things ends and the love for real things grows within the days, a world in which we realize that the change can start with us, not with the government, not with your friend, with you, you can make a change, we can make it!. We need to stop waiting for the government to fix our lives and we need to start fixing them ourselves because no one will do it for us.

So let’s start creating an excellent present so we have an incredible future.

Thank you.

By Dina Luz Reyes, Step 9