Friday, March 8, 2019

E.F. What Are Your Hopes For The Future Of Our Society?

What Are Your Hopes For The Future Of 

Our Society?

Hi! I'm Susana Rengifo, a Step 9th graders at American School and I want to tell you that we all need hopes: For brighter days, for tomorrow, for restoration and healing. This is what makes from hope such a powerful word. There are times in life when things seem hopeless, but through hope, we find lasting peace through the crisis and transitions of life

According to Greek mythology, the first woman on our planet Earth, Pandora, was given a box that she was not supposed to open under any circumstance. Too curious to resist, she opened it, and all of the evils of the world flew out: hate, pain, destructiveness, starvation. When Pandora saw what she had done, she closed the box before the last thing in there could escape. That last thing was hope.

Hope is the belief that circumstances in the future will be better. It's not a wish about things getting better, but an actual belief, even when there may be no evidence that anything will change. Hope can encompass a wide variety of beliefs -- everything from a high school student hoping for an A in algebra to a cancer patient hoping for a cure.

Right now society isn’t in its best point, there’s a lot of ignorance, a lot of wasting, a lot of poverty, a lot of fear, a lot of deaths. People said to me that these problems have no solution, that we should not have hope in this generation, and be sorry for the ones that are coming, but I don’t think that way, I belief that if we focused on what really matters, we can make a big difference for a measurable change.

I feel really optimist about our future society because I have hope that the issues in education and health will get better, and for me, by improving these aspects in every country of the world, our future would be brighter.

First is health, since a healthy population is productive, is an educative population, that leads the country to be developed by improving the health models, equitable and fair medical models that could bring a great quality of health and life to the people, which in the end would change a whole nation.

Second is education, since is basically the basis of life, the
basis for a country to be developed too, basic to end with bullying, to end the majority of international conflicts. If a country has a good education model, believe that things are going to change for the good, and in benefit of the whole nation. By improving this aspect the prosperity of each home is guaranteed, and that leads to a quiet and intelligent nation, that can be able to take the right decisions in order to make  the well-being of the population better. 

I’m optimist about this future, I really belief it’s possible, we
just have to make a little bit effort, so that our future generations have the world that they deserve.

By Susana Rengifo, Step 9