Saturday, March 2, 2019

My Future, Your Future, Our Future: EF Speech

My Future, Your Future, Our Future: EF Speech

Allow me to introduce myself; my name is Keily Valdivieso, I'm an eighth grade student and today I'm gonna be talking about our society, on how our future is going to be, how I see our future is prospected. 

We can define future as a powerful word, as a word that can be known as power itself, as a word of construction. The way I see our future is worrying me. Nowadays you cannot even go out peacefully because someone can mug you. In average, in Bogota, 11 citizens were robbed every 60 minutes from January to May of last year; according to the registers of DIJIN they accounted 39,871 cases.

Nowadays, a phone is worth more than a human life,
nowadays a car is worth more than a human life too. People do not think well about their future, they do not realize that if they propose themselves to be better persons, they can, if they propose themselves to work for a better life they can, if they propose themselves to construct their families' lives in a better place, they can. We all can, but only if you propose yourself, if you don’t give up you can construct a better world for you, a better place for everyone.

Colombia is a country full of violence, full of corruption. Colombia has a low level of transparency and is ranked 98, considering that New Zealand and Denmark are in the first two places and are the least corrupt countries in the world. Ours is a country where people only think on themselves and not about other ones, a country where people want everything in an easy way, everything to be in their hands, everything has to be easy and if it is not, they cannot do it. 

In this country, most of the people are selfish they just worry about themselves, about what they want and what they need, but they cannot see or they don’t realize that some others need what others have or what others do not need, but anyways they have it there. We have to think more about others and worry less about ourselves for a better future for you, for a better future for everyone.

Thank you for listening to my speech, and as Abraham Lincoln said:
“The best way to predict your future is to create it.” 

By Keily Valdivieso, Step 8