Saturday, March 2, 2019

Expectations Around The Future: EF Speech

Expectations Around The Future: EF Speech

Hi! my name is Ana Sofia Durán, an eighth grade student and today I will tell you about my hopes in the future for our society. 

Before I start, we need to know what future means: “FUTURE” is something that will exist or will happen as time passes, but we don’t  know what will happen in the future; however, we can imagine it or predict it through the situations our country is  currently suffering from; out of what no one has reached yet, is the basis of what we can create for our own future. How?, joining all together and doing things well. 

Why did I say that everything can change drastically? I think
it can change in two ways:  the first option is that life could be easier for us, since they will arise new technologies that will help us in the house, at work and in many more things, but this can cause problems due to the fact that many people will not do anything productive in their lives and they will also stop doing many things that can affect them in their health; but the other option would be that our society becomes more dangerous, and we could not go out to the streets without asking ourselves "are they going to mug me?"

So, remember that we can change our future. When we think of the word "future" we always imagine our life or happy things; but have you ever wondered "Is it going to be possible with a society that doesn’t cooperate?" Life is like a test, sometimes it is lost and others are won, and that is what could probably happen in the future, but in either case you have to always get ahead.

Many people want different things in the future, 27% want an easier life, 8% want a life full of fun, 14.5% want to learn to be smarter and more educated, 14.5% want to approach and unite our society and 36% want everything to stay the same or don’t care about what might happen in the future. 

Some people believe that in the future everything will be solved and that there will be no problem, but in my opinion I think we will go from bad to worse, if we don’t start by changing as a citizen. The problem in our society is that today's children learn new things quickly and most of them aren’t  good, because they take an example from those who frequently do something illegal or that is not well done, and finally they will harm their future and ours too.

So, reflect with these two phrases: "We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future" - George Bernard Shaw and 

"What we instill in our children will be the foundation upon which they will build their future "- Steve Maraboli.

By Ana Sofía Durán, Step 8