Friday, March 8, 2019

Keep Moving Forward: EF Speech

Keep Moving Forward: EF Speech

I have a question, what are your hopes for the future of our
society? Many people think that young people are the future, but what kind of future? We know that the human being tends to make many mistakes. In the past, as well as in the present, wrongdoings will always be present, and we will have to deal with them every day because there is no perfect human being in this world; however, it is always better to look forward, instead of keeping behind and ask ourselves, what do we want to achieve? What do we want to build? What do we want to be as a species?

I greatly admire the ability we have to organize ourselves through consciousness, to transform our environment and change our way of thinking, although I dislike the way in which some people see life. 

Once, Albert Einstein said: people are like bicycles, they can keep their balance, only as long as they keep moving, people often get carried away by the wrong way, and stop doing the right thing, but I do not lose hope and dream that this can change, because hope is the feeling that leads us to achieve what we want to; all humans need the hope to continue. When the defeatist thoughts come, think about the option that favors you and say: why not? Then, I began to think, about my hopes for the future of our society.

It is unquestionable the fact that the human race has left a mark on this planet, what we have done in just 100 years, has not been done by any race that has stepped on this planet in millions of years; however, our development is still at an early stage, and if we do not destroy ourselves for some reason, what awaits us could be surprising, because I have hope for a new world, as if everything were good for the better, every day something new, every day a contribution. That can only be achieved if each one of us does his part, in the future I see a lot of progress in technology.

Robotics is going to be one of the areas that will be developed the most, from robots that will think and perform all our tasks, to houses that will be built alone in a few hours with a system similar to that of 3D photocopiers, trips to Mars, artificial organs, internet browsing through thought ... etc.

Whenever we imagine, this seems to be taken out of a movie fiction, but the reality is that this future is not so far, due to all the advances made today, thanks to the incredible intelligence and capacity of the human being. As for society, I hope that there will be no type of discrimination, of any kind, of race, of religion, of sexual orientation, I hope for a future where everyone can express himself freely, I have so much faith in people changing, no more robberies, no more kidnappings, no more animal abuse, no more wars, because the human being built the nuclear bomb, but no mouse would think to build a trap for mice, no macho men, no feminism because it will be a matter of history. 

So,  do not pollute the environment, let's take care of our children, what will be left to them, if we are doing away with everything?, the gases produced by our factoriesp pollute the air we breathe, the trees we cut are more important than we think, and the earth cries out for us to stop the evil, but I hope that all of those will change.

In conclusion, I ask one thing, we become aware of our
actions, every act has its consequences, whether good or bad, and future depends on us, no one can choose for you, because you are the owner of every decision you make, and every decision is a step towards the future.

By Giselle Rico, Step 9