Friday, March 8, 2019

Despite All Uncertainties, Just Keep Walking... The Future Is Yours: EF Speech.

Despite All Uncertainties, Just Keep Walking... The Future Is Yours: EF Speech.

Good day, my name is Camila Orozco, and I am a 9th grader from American School and today I want to talk about tomorrow.

Nowadays, there is absolutely nothing we can be certain of, we might have nothing today, but win it all tomorrow, as well as we might have it all today, and loose it next morning, nothing is known for sure, and in nothing we can rely on.

This is what makes the future so terrifying, that you never know what comes next, we always procrastinate things, I mean we say do not hurry, I can sleep now, work now, and follow my dreams later. But this is our biggest mistake, because we don’t know if we are going to have a tomorrow, and I believe dreams are the basis of our future society, dreams are going to be the fuel that moves our society forwards.

We are always talking about making a better future, helping society, but that is all we do, and dreamers are our best chance of improving. I want to become a dreamer; however, I am scared of what comes next. I am afraid, I am truly terrified of the future because of many reasons.

Just to begin with, we live in a society that expects a lot from
their young generations, our parents expect much from us, our teachers would surmise from us the best, and I as well, have started to greatly forecast what my life should be.

That is what life becomes, expectations, and sadly, most of the time, it turns out in disappointment; I want to live a good life, but I don’t know what I am going to do with it, now is the time when people start asking you, what do you want to do? Who do you want to be? And I don´t know what to answer, and it makes me afraid when I see someone answering with a security that I don’t know where to find. It is the time of my life when people start telling you that the future is now, that you don't have to wait for college to commence working on your life, but I don't even know where to begin.

I am afraid of the future because every time I turn on my phone, I feel the world is falling apart, all I hear is bad news, more deaths, disasters, corruption, and murders of social leaders, women, and children. National problems, international problems, and violence of all kinds.

I love a YouTube channel sponsored by “El Espectador”
called “La Pulla” that I highly recommend, they have a special section in their videos called “Me Acabo de Enterar”, in these videos, they inform the main news of the week,  through which they present 6 news, but can you  imagine from those, that only one or two are good news? Every time I watch these videos, I feel completely down, it is hard to accept that this is the world’s reality; despite all, those two good news give me the hope I need.

When I hear news like this one: In February 14th, a 19 year old boy entered his school with a rifle and killed 17 people and left another 17 injured, the sad truth is that every time something like this happens, democrats in The U.S.A. start talking well about weapons, and say stupid things like the one Dr. Helsel said, that students and teachers should be armed with ROCKS in order to defend themselves in these situations. Or what about Mr. Trump who said that the country should face the serious problem, videogames? And what to say about mental health? (Even when only the 20% of the shootings are related to mental health problems).

Even though, this time things are different, because the young generations are registering for the next elections in order to speak against their government. And one of the survivors, Emma Gonzálea, stood in front of a gigantic crowd in Washington and maintained silence for six minutes and 20 seconds, the time this shooting lasted.

They are ready to make a change, I want to find my way in
life in order to make a change, and I don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow. Anyway, no matter all the obstacles life might put in my way, I am going to keep walking and follow my path, in order to change our world, little by little.

“I talk to the sky and make a promise with it

I will keep on walking no matter how harsh the road gets”

-Our page- Shinee

By Camila Orozco, Step 9.