Saturday, March 2, 2019

All For Love

All For Love

Once a person showed me

The greatest act of love
I repeat that day after day
When I remember it my eyes get wet

It gives me chills

to remember everything he did
I never regret having met him
He showed me what true love is
On that cross he charged with all our sins

Even the worst of all

This act is not done by anyone
Only people willing to love

This gentleman showed me so many things

He showed that everyone in life has a purpose
Nothing happens because of no reason

He showed me that every battle makes you stronger

Each tear spilled turns us into a warrior
Each cry for help turns us into fighters
Every step forward turns us into someone brave
Every drop of sweat will be of admiration

This awesome man sacrificed himself for us

To show us compassion
He gave his life for an act of love
But do you give him the same lobias you receive?

By Jessica Ochoa, Step 9