Saturday, March 2, 2019

EF Perspective of Our Future

EF Perspective of Our Future

Hello, everyone!, my name is Alejandro Durán, I’m an 8th-grade student at American School, Puerto Colombia and today I’m going to give my opinion of what my hopes for our society are.

First of all, I want you to ask you a question: Do you believe
in change?
We are seeing nowadays society’s living in very bad conditions, countries living in extreme poverty, people dying from hunger, according to UNICEF, 22,000 children die each day due to consequences driven out of poverty, also the biomes are getting affected, such as the oceans that are being polluted progressively each year, snowy mountains are melting, also the poles are melting, landscapes are full of trash, every green land in our world is turning yellow, deforestation progresses at a big speed, up to 28,000 species are expected to become extinct by the next quarter of the century due to deforestation, also animals are dying because of consuming trash in their hurry to find food to survive.

We need a change, and we need it now, we need to unite ourselves for a big change, a change for a better world, with ecosystems full of life, with people going out to the streets without feeling fear to be assaulted by anyone, without animals being hunted for skin selling purposes. I hope that in the future we live in a society in which people can freely express themselves without being judged, where everyone can live in peace, without fighting because of a soccer team, a political party, because of who has the better clothes, etc.

I think that if all of us, the humans, believe in a change and have hope for our future world, we can do it; do you imagine a world without corrupt politicians, without animals getting extinct, without people killing each other, a world living in peace, without any war or argument between countries? Less than one percent of what the world spent every year on weapons is needed to put every child into school.

It’s difficult to think that we can get to that, right? well, I think that if we propose it to ourselves, we can make it.

The future lies in us, the youth, we are the only ones that can change the world for the better, if we don’t do anything to change, I think the world is going to end sooner than expected, I can’t accept that there are animals dying because of humans, habitats are being destroyed, according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization 7.3 million hectares of forests are lost each year.

Nowadays we are in a society in which we think only for ourselves and not for the others, we are in a lazy society, in where any hard work is not qualified for being done, the world is being broken down slowly by us, and we act like if we don’t care about it. I invite you to think about the question asked at the beginning of my speech, I invite you to have hope in a change. Samuel Smiles, a 19-century Scottish author said, “Hope is like the sun, which, as we journey toward it, cast the shadow of our burden behind us”.

Thansk so much!

By Alejandro Durán, Step 8