Saturday, March 2, 2019

Our Earth According to My E. F. Perspective

Our Earth According to My E. F. Perspective

Hello!. My name is Catherine Simmonds and I am an 8th grade  student, currently attending to the American School. Right now I’ve been given the opportunity to talk about what seems like a really important topic to our society, but is it actually something we take into account? I want to talk about my hopes for our future, your future, my future.

We focus on the new album of a world famous singer, on the drama of a reality show, on your friend’s social media, on going to the gym and looking well for the photos. We need to think on what is going on with our actual future and not the superficial one we are all creating.

The earth, to our eyes, is the most amazing planet in the entire galaxy, providing us every and each of the resources that we need to stay alive. Humans have not been thankful of what we get from it and now it is suffering of many issues, but there can be a solution if we all get aware of our future. As right now, we live and stand on a society where we don’t know what might happen tomorrow, if your surroundings will be alive in a week, where we are all judged even by our closest friends.

In my noble opinion, I would like the enormous gap that we have created between the rich and the poor to disappear. No more a world of hunger, no homeless people that can’t have a way out and suffer from this. Equality between every human race, no matter color, size, mental diseases, or deformities.

Helping every homeless animal that may be dying from not being able to have a loving owner that can provide it with food or just a place to stay. Providing free or lowered cost medication for people that need any medical care and don’t have this economic benefit. Making the environment a better place by not contaminating it more. Finally, penalize those who commit any of the opposite from these problems.

However, it seems like that will not happen if YOU don’t start making the change. Start by thinking that no change will occur if we don’t make an effort apart from doing the easy things, that no money can solve it all. Stop being selfish, stop judging, stop not contributing. Correct anyone you see doing a wrong act. We can make our world great again, enlighten your society.

“Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.” - Jim Rohn 

Thank you very much.

By Catherine Simmonds, Step 8