Thursday, March 14, 2019

Education, Equality, and Peace

Education, Equality, and Peace: EF.

What Are Your Hopes For The Future Of Our Society?
Hope... It’s a simple word and yet can mean so much to anyone going through a difficult time. It can mean the difference between hanging on or giving up, a tiny smile in the face or a devastating diagnosis. It’s one word with no true definition — hope can mean anything you want to achieve.

Hope is the power to believe that anything is possible — a fresh start, a second chance, or to wish upon a miracle. With hope there is an opened window of opportunities or new lights for reassurance that the possibilities are endless and as long as you believe, anything can happen. Hope is the beliefs that we're all going to beat this and a cure for all types of cancer will be found. Hope, believe, strength, positive thoughts and prayers are what gets me people through each chemo treatment when they need it because they do not give in neither their families nor their dreams.

Our society nowadays deals with a lot of issues that are
affecting the well-being of it, like for example, the anxiety that teenagers suffer because of bullying, or because of social insecurity, another negative side can be the fact that countries in the Middle East or in Asia feel afraid that a war can start in any minute or is not gonna ever end, in the actual world things aren’t the best in any aspect.

But they don’t matter, since despite  all those problems, I still believe in humanity, I still believe in society, because it doesn’t matter how bad things look, I know we just need hope in order to make things a little more possible. But specifically, my hopes for the future of society are quite simple, they are only three: education, equality, and peace. As I said, they are really simple, and not that many, but now I’m going to tell you better about what my hopes more deeply are.

First of all, education. By improving education a lot of things get better, the problems regarding bullying would not be over, but they would be less. Education is the base of the development of a nation because knowledge is freedom, if the quality of education of a country improves, it has a guaranteed development in every aspect: social, economic, technological, etc. Education is the base of everything, is the basis for the future.

Secondly, equality. It is a synonym of peace, because if everybody has the same chances, the same opportunities for having the best health, the best education, the best environment, etc. then, everything would be fairer. Believe me that the population would be calmer, because for example, a big part of international conflicts are caused because of the inequality of resources, and by fixing that, people would be peaceful, because we all deserve the same opportunities and chances. So, equality is social justice itself.

Thirdly, peace. Honestly, if we have worldwide peace, we would have everything, and do you know how can we achieve international peace? By improving the education of every nation in the whole world, with social justice, and fairer distribution of resources, I truly believe that worldwide peace would fix the insecurity problems that are impoverishing all the countries’ quality of life.

Finally, my hopes for the future society are simple, and not that difficult and I really have hopes that these prior mentioned assertions can be possible, only if we really wanted to and we all make a really big effort to cristalyze it through eradicating corruption, which is why values at all levels have to be enriched.

By Andrés Argel, Step 9.