Thursday, March 14, 2019

The Envisioned World I Want For My Children

The Envisioned World I Want For My 

Children: E.F.

What are your hopes for the future of our society?

My hopes for the future society? That’s a really complex question, because now on my mind there are a lot of things that I hope they could become a reality, that I hope we can achieve now in order that our children and future generations might have a better quality of life. But before I start telling you what I hope for the wellbeing of our future society, first we need to have for clear what HOPE is, so Aristotle said, “Hope is the dream of the waking man.”. Hope is the unshakeable belief that no matter how bad our circumstances, somehow, someway, everything will turn out alright or even good for us in the end. 

Someone once said, “We can live a few weeks without food; a few days without water and a few minutes without air, but we cannot last a single second without hope.” and that’s a true, because having hope allows us to envision the ways we can make that dream happen.

The situation nowadays regarding to natural resources isn’t the best, dealing with worldwide
peace is terrible, about knowledge and good quality of education citizens around the world have is horrible, and here is where we need to have hope, we need to believe that we are going to fix all thees problems in order that our children have the best quality of life, education, and all the natural resources in their best conditions for them to multiply them.

My hopes for Society are very simple, and if we achieve one, the other ones are yet to come. First one, natural resources be there for our future children in order that the air that they breathe, the water that they drink and the fruits and vegetables that they eat, could be the best ones, the type of resources that they deserve.

Second, our leaders, our governors get to an agreement in order that the problems about worldwide peace end once for all, a nation's priority should be the well-being of the population that lives in there, and by creating conflicts and wars that the only thing that bring are casualties, fear, anxiety, and economical problems to the country, so by fixing this we can have a better quality of life where people might not be afraid of going out from their houses and be proud of been citizens of their countries.

The third and last but not least, is the one that talks about education, for me that’s the most important thing, that’s the part of the life of a human where you need to make  a lot of efforts  because by having a really good education you can be anything and anyone you want, you would have the knowledge for transform the whole world and that's what we are looking for here, to change the planet Earth by transforming the point of view of the children, by transforming the quality of education they are having in order that they can be important people, that care about their future, their society, and make changes in benefit of the world.

If we achieve one of them, the others would be coming easily, by having education people would know how to use with responsibility the natural resources, remembering that the majority of international problems are caused by the irresponsibility or mismanagement of the natural resources or the lack of used resources each country has. Everything has a solution, we just need to have a good will and the disposition for making that future where there are less conflicts than now, where there is no ignorance, where there is no risk of dying because there would be no nature.

That’s the kind of world I want for my children, that's the kind of future I hope they live in, that's the kind of future I am working to get, and I firmly believe that if everyone had this dream, and worked hard to get it, it could be possible, so I have those hopes for the future of our society, and I want them to come true.

By María Camila Pinzón, Step 9