Friday, February 22, 2019

What are your hopes for the future of your society? EF Challenge

What are your hopes for the future of your society?

I am Mariana Correa, a Step 10th grader at American School, and today I am gonna display my perspective about which my hopes for the future of our society are.

There is no path to peace. Peace is the path.
Mahatma Gandhi.

Today’s society is full of hatred between people, violence has grown rapidly and one of the reasons is envy, which makes people say the worst lies about you and that's how an unstable society begins to form, in which hate is ruling, where all we want to be is just being better than the other, benefiting us no matter what we do to others.

Hate makes our minds more dangerous than we think and that is why society hardly grows orderly until we do not learn to live happily and with good habits, we will continue being the same society that we are today, a society that looks eagerly for changes for good well-being.

We live in a world full of unpleasant beings that only lead us
to hatred. One of the questions we ask ourselves the most when we think about the future of our society is how can we improve as a society? It is an easy question to ask but difficult to answer if we think about the only way to change society is first to change ourselves.

Do not pretend to seek for changes in others if we do not seek it first in ourselves, I hope that our society changes for the better and we will do it with the help of everyone, putting the best of each one and thus we might be able to prosper as good people because that is how we will advance and look for equality to achieve all that we need. We must make a strong committed worldwide effort.

The disposition of each one and every one of us depends on the nature of our characters because the future of our society depends on us, if we want it healthy and in harmony and not devastated with many fusses and wars.

By Mariana Correa, Step 10