Friday, February 22, 2019

My Hopes for the Future of Our Society

What are my hopes for the future of our society?

Good morning, I am María Gabriela Hernández, a Step 10th grader at American School and I want you to know a little more about me; for instance, I like reading and I am a good observer and have a criticism of our society and on how it has evolved, which is why I have taken a responsible view, that for some, might be seen as pessimistic.

In today’s society, people are forced to act in a different way or to be those they are not, just to fit in or to be accepted by others. Many people struggle daily because of criticism and horrible things said by others. Right now, many believe that to be accepted, they should fit into stereotypes that no one can achieve or reach.

It is impossible for girls to keep up with every trend proposed by models or the Kardashians.  It is hard for men to pretend to be strong and masculine and have no feelings. Young girls are taught that to be pretty, they need to be skinny and curvy, that to fit in, they need to dress and act in a certain light way. Self-worth is now determined by looks, by the phone you have, if you use Airpods or normal earphone if you wear makeup or not, if you have more than one hundred likes in your posts, etc.

It is not like that, material things are not a way of measuring
how “humans” or someone is. Also, technology is taking over the world. If someone does not have the trending phone, or the most recent computer, they are outdated. We changed television shows for Netflix and books for Instagram’s captions. People’s opinions on beauty and self-worth are wrong, they are based on criteria that will make no sense once you become old and your “beauty” fades away.

What people do not see is the inner beauty, the inner you. Immediately people judge based on looks, or people you are surrounded by, or the type of clothes you wear. Studies show that around 74% of people have not been hired or accepted at a job because of visible tattoos and other changes in their appearance. Many American companies hire attractive people in their stores, so people can buy more often and have an idea on how good the clothes would look if they had the body shown in the advertisements. This society is not just about humans, but mostly about opinions, it is now becoming a publicity strategy, and we are the target, we are seen as merchandise too.

I believe that there is no way this can change. It is impossible to make everyone or almost everyone believe that beauty is in the inside, that material things do not determine self-worth, and as simple as ever, nobody can be perfect. Even after many campaigns and movements to stop society’s actions against things like discrimination and prejudice, things remain the same. However, if this does not change, the situation could get worse. It may start with a tease to one of your classmates, it can spread through the whole school or workplace. Then, he or she takes it too personally and they kill themselves, or isolate. Others could starve because they want to be skinny, like models on television and magazine covers. Others might go through extreme surgeries just to look like someone they “admire”. Celebrities and “influencers” teach you to be you and be unique, but they have standards that not even they can keep up with. This is the world that we are living in, there is no way out.

By María Gabriela Hernández, Step 10