Friday, February 22, 2019

What are your hopes for the future of your society?

What are your hopes for the future of your society?

Good morning, my name is Federica Tampu, I’m 17 and I’m an Italian exchange student here in Colombia, attending classes at American School. I’m going to tell you what my hopes for the future of our society are:

I hope in a future full of peace, with no more wars or conflicts for ethnic, religious, economic, gender,  or political matters between people on this planet. I hope that everybody will be happy and won’t have to face problems with alcohol, cigarettes or drugs. 

I expect that nobody will have to suffer for bad illnesses, that diseases could be end; I hope doctors, researches and scientists will be able to find cures for every affliction, where nobody will have to suffer for hunger or thirst. I hope people won’t be interested only in money and wealth, but in sharing love and kindness.

In the future, I hope nobody will have to be afraid of anything:
a girl won’t have to be afraid to go out alone on a Friday night; an employee won’t have to be afraid of his boss; nobody will be bullied or will have to be afraid of a teacher; no mother will be afraid to lose his child because of war.
I hope every problem derived from pollution will be only a bad memory, that people will be allowed to breathe fresh air again and the issue of the useless waste of resources will disappear. Are these hopes for the future of our society impossible to reach? The answer is no, but it is really difficult.

A more realistic future of our society is one where security and justice in every corner of the world are improved in order to limit civil inconveniences.  A world where the freedom of the press will be recognized in most of the countries because people will fight for it.

If people stop wasting and misusing fundamental resources for human life, future generations will be able to use and enjoy them. Governments will help with this by increasing the funds for researchers to find a way to clean our beautiful oceans, our amazing forests, the air, and rivers. 

To give you an example, “National Geographic reports that 70 percent of all industrial pollution is dumped directly into the water table, polluting drinking water. For example, textile-dye wastewater produced by clothing factories is creating a major water pollution problem in China. Fortunately, filtration systems are continuously being refined to clean factory waste before it reaches the water supply”

Maybe we will find methods to travel without polluting or we will be able to use 100% clean energy and abandon definitely fossil fuels.

People could be more aware of poverty around the world and decide to donate or help foundations that try to get rid of it. Governments will also improve and increase the funds for health and medical research, in order to help sick people or enhance the equipment quality in hospitals.

Anti-bullying and anti-violence campaigns will be more
numerous and effective, so everybody will be more aware of his actions. Education will be oriented to improving students ‘skills and the interests of every child and not on standardizing their knowledge.

I hope in a future of respect, kindness, generosity, sharing and courtesy. I hope definitely in a future of better changes for everybody to have a quality life.

By Federica Tampu. Step 10