Saturday, February 9, 2019

Role Play: Responsibility and Respect

Role Play: Responsibility and Respect

J.C: Where is she? Why hasn't she arrived?
M: Hello!
J.C: You've finally arrived!

M: Just 30 minutes late, forget it, where is Sofia?
S: Hi! I ask for permission to rest for a while. I have 30 minutes. Here is your pizza... remember it costs 6 dollars...
M:  Pizza! A lot of time has passed since we met, years maybe...
S: One day.                                                          
M: Whatever, by the way, bad news...I didn't get the job in the office... maybe I should just work as a waitress, Sofia, do you like working as a waitress?
S:    You can't stand to work in an office. Yeah, is not that bad, I get to know new people.
J.C: Talking about meeting new people, one guy from my university asked for you, he gave me his number, and he wants to get to know you, he likes cooking, I told him you really enjoy cooking also.
S: Really! Omg!... and what's his name?
J.C: Paulo Ramirez, he told me some things about him... if I remember well, he likes living by the beach, he walks reading his newspaper...
M: Paulo!! He is my secondary political cousin, he is the son of the sister of my political uncle...he is ugly... don't call him...
S: Don't you dare to tell me what to do!
J.C: Okay, keep calm, let's talk about something else...imagine living without pizza!
S: Impossible! Pizza is like air to me!
J.C: You idiot! How can you make that comparison, do you eat pizza with your nose?
S: I`m not an idiot, you are the idiot!
M: Stop! You are both idiots, we have a bigger problem over here... a question that has been in my mind for more than 20 years...
S: You are 17
M: Shhhhh... If you had to classify the animals of the world in dogs and cats, seals would be dogs or cats...
J.C: Dogs
S: No! Cats, seals play with balls, cats also play with balls...
J.C: Dogs
S: Cats
J.C: Dogs!
S: Cats!
M: Shut up! We have a bigger problem... I didn’t bring money to pay for the pizza…I wasted all in a delicious food near the ocean…so romantic… J.C do you have money?
J.C: No, I thought you had money... what are we going to do?
M: Let's rob a bank! It’s easy, we get in there, kill everyone, take the money and pay a 6 dollar pizza with the money of the bank…easy! a piece of cake!
S: You sound like you already did it…creepy…
J.C:  Idiot! Sofia... can you pay for the pizza, please?
S: No
J.C: I will give you my gray hoodie.
S: Okay! You idiots, how could you forget the wallet, I want the money in my hands on Monday!
M: Thank you celestial being! I got to go, medical appointment, bye!
S & J.C: Bye!


By Manuela Orozco, Juan C. Anicchiarico,
 Gabriel Guerra, and Sofía Ranauro