Saturday, February 9, 2019

9 Parenting Styles For A New Generation

9 Parenting Styles For A New Generation

It is said that there are diverse types of parenting that many American teachers, as well as Colombian, have found in their current classes, as to say:

1- The helicopter parents: Who are always to their kids'
rescue, making them feel suffocated by being overprotective to them. This model is not the best because in life it is necessary to have children make their own errors, learn from them, and grow up assuming responsibility for their actions.

2- The lawnmower parents:
Are said to be the new helicopter parents, who keep walking in front of their kids getting rid of every single stone or obstacle that could make them fall down; however, this isn't the solution to raise a new generation that could be able to face their own troubles in life. Opposite, kids growing up under this model, are not confident enough, get easily disappointed and frustrated. When talking about any school issue, they usually are blinded to their kids' mistakes.

The comet parents: Who are the most dangerous of all, are those almost always absent at school, and because in the end, they know nothing about their kids, they seem to be parented by them instead.

4- The tiger parents are over demanding and their kids live 
under extreme tension trying to fulfill their expectations. These kids have no time to be invested in socializing in other means different from their own schools, extracurricular tasks, and the many courses their pockets can afford, but from time to time, just relaxing is good too. 

5- Instinctive parenting consists of the way the old generations used to parent, in their own ways and  with their personal style. Kids at a school in those days were responsible for doing their own assignments without so much supervision, they relied a lot on kids' teachers' opinions, decisions, and were very supportive at schools.

6- Attachment parenting: Relations between parents and their kids are built on the basis of their strong emotional bonds that can guarantee a kid's healthy self-esteem which ends up in promoting a secure, empathetic and peaceful young human being that is cooperative and collaborative at school.

Elephant parenting: Is seen as the generation raised by their caring moms who allow them the flexibility to be themselves by providing them with comfort and the needed support when necessary, but it'll be dangerous only if they become permissive, as long as they had to work over too many hours, which in the end would leave their kids on their own at school. 

8- Authoritative parenting is very dangerous if it tends more to be inclined to castrating their kid's possibilities and expectations, but this style sees discipline as restrictive rather than assertive. On the other side of this spectrum,  permissiveness is not good at all because rules, if well established, even train for real societal gatherings, including school. 

9- Free-range parenting fosters independence, but on the basis of keeping in mind their kids' real age and abilities, not to expose them to unnecessary risks if they are asked to undergo tasks that are impossible for them do.

You can even think of your own style or try to identify yours in any of the given categories above.

By Miss Odilia Pérez