Saturday, February 9, 2019

Respecting Diversity In Many Ways

Respecting Diversity In Many Ways

LGTB, lesbian, gay, transsexual and bisexual are people that live in the place we also live, people that breathe the same air that we take, people that are also humans.  Why does gender have to define you? Why does your sexual orientation have to define you? Why can`t you be free? This is a controversial topic, that around the world is still in a process of being debated, from Colombia to Japan.

How would you have felt if you were born as a woman, but
you know you are a boy? What happens if the person that is sitting next to you is a gay, a lesbian or bisexual? What if your best friend is transgender? What if your son is bisexual, or gay, or lesbian? What would you do? Killing them? Go away from them? Or would you accept them the way they are?, yes, because they are also humans, and have human rights too, and everyone has the right to search for happiness and if they are happy being a gay, a lesbian or bisexual, why to take away that happiness? 

Colombia is one of the countries with the most liberal policies in the western hemisphere, in Colombia gays, lesbians and bisexual people are allowed to enter the army forces openly, and the law does not establish any distinction regarding sexual relations between persons of the same sex, and the age of consent is the same as for heterosexual couples, that is, fourteen years. But there are also some religious and traditional families that still not accept this, and take it as a taboo topic.

Going to the other side, Sudan and other African and Indian countries, are totally against LGTB,
Any homosexual person who is seen for the first time will be punished with 100 lashes and a person that has been already seen 3 times with a person of the same sex and are in a relation, will be punished with death.

People all over the world are going to die because of this horrible terms that countries are taking, just because they are judging a book by its cover and, for them, big consequences will come. We have to learn to open our eyes, to new and beautiful things, because if we don't, we will not discover the real, but unfair world.

We invite you to open your eyes.
To discover new things.
To be yourself and love yourself.
And love others just the way they are.
"Heterosexuality is like a fork and knife, but homosexuality is like a pair of chopsticks, there is no fork and everything is complimentary.”       -Zonnic

 By Manuela Orozco and Antonella Cantillo