Thursday, February 14, 2019

Our Opinion on A Great Poem

" The Best Thing in Life, Is Life Itself "

The Best thing in life is life itself.

Resultado de imagen para lifeHow we live it determines our role.
The good the bad and the indifferent,
Even a sure thing becomes I don't know.  

The hopes, the dreams, the nightmares
They're all important parts of the game.
The only rule is, there are no rules.
And every one of us is to blame.

So a bit of advice I give to you:
On your journey through the looking glass,
Leave the future to the future.
And the past to the past.

Believe in yourself, have a belief in God.
And make an effort to do it right
For tomorrow is promised to no one.
And this just may be your last night. 
Dennis Taylor