Friday, February 15, 2019

The Last Mass Extinction

The Last Mass Extinction

Humankind is witnessing
the last mass extinction 
In this Anthropocene
where we've become
Self-centered, but depressing 
individuals without any vision.

The future for millions of insects
Is nowadays gone:
Lepidopteran  butterflies
Hymenoptera, as bees, waxes, and ants
Moreover, Coleopters as beetles
Terrifying biomass in the past,
With pesticides is erased from our lives.

Our home, Earth with a million species
Just from insects alone
Destroyed by blinded humans
From the 5.400 mammals, we belong

Erstwhile, 17 times more than that of the humankind,
Insects today do not decorate car's windshields
They strive to survive as bees do, like citizens 
Their habitats are lost, they live in the cities,
How much are they going to abide?
For people to realize, they're gone from farming fields
They've been annihilated first in our minds. 

Who's gonna be the pollenizers?
For those fields where food was meant to be cropped?
Where in the world this is gonna end up?
When nothing natural to be eaten could be packed?

As Edward Osborn Wilson once predicted, 
The Eremoceno is upcoming,
Thanks to this entomologist,
When mankind might be alone,
Rejoiced in their destructive view,
Some aware biologists,
And other individuals might review,
How worried many of them were while talking,
But no one paid attention nor heard at all,
We are facing an ecological Armageddon .
The Apocalypsis of insects and our home.

By Miss Odilia Pérez
E.L.A. Teacher