Thursday, February 14, 2019

Poisonous dart frogs

               Poisonous Dart Frogs

These frogs are considered one of Earth's most toxic, or poisonous, species. For example, the golden poison dart frog has enough poison to kill 20,000 mice, that`s a lot!. With a range of bright colors, yellows, oranges, reds, greens, blues. Those colorful designs tell potential predators that they are in danger.
Scientists think that poison dart frogs get their toxicity from some of the insects they eat. 

Its habitat is the midst of the hot and humid Colombian rainforest a nearly naked man walks silently among the trees.

Hunters from Colombia's Embera tribe regularly hunted birds, monkeys and other small animals using poison darts. The poison came from bright yellow frogs just a few centimeters long.

A single "golden poison frog" harbors enough poison to kill 10 grown men, making these frogs perhaps the most poisonous animals alive. They are one of many species of toxic frogs, which are known as poison dart frogs. They are all small: the largest is no more than 6cm long, and some are just 1.5 cm

These are some interesting facts about the poison dart frog:
  • Native Indians use the toxin of the frog for hunting
  • The golden poison frog is the most toxic land animal in the world
  • After their tadpoles hatch in the leaf litter, one of the parents will carry them to water on their back

by: Andrea de la Torre and Dina Reyes, Step 9.
