Friday, February 22, 2019

My Hopes, The Future and Our Society

My Hopes, The Future and Our Society

Good morning.
My name is María José Vélez, a student in Step 10 at American School and I wanna share with you my envisioned future.
The society in a future for me would be better. Now the society is made of delinquents that are not good for ourselves, plus the corrupted government that we have, but the topic of the government is something delicate because there are too many cases in which our government is involved, like the case of Odebrecht. But a god society for me is a society where everything is equal in opportunities for everybody, so a liberal society is what I hope for because now everyone is telling their point of view, but no one is making real their ideas, which are being kept on their minds and I think that if we continue like that, we can’t have a better society.
On the other hand, a good society is that one which can accept everyone’s way of being, regardless the color of their skin.  Most of the population in the world are still being racist and that’s bad, for me a solution to this problematic can be to implement campaigns against this topic in the schools and with that our kids will grow knowing about variety. Also, a lot of people in the world are homophobic and for me that’s a really bad way to be, because people are suffering of discrimination.
In the present times, the homophobic people are damaging innocent citizens because is just the way that they want to be, in most of the countries in this world the LGTBI community is accepted and some of the citizens in this world get to accept that love is love, no matter what, the gender, the color of your skin or your religion.
Talking about religion, people discriminate others because of their religion too and that’s something that have to stop because religion is based on loving God and receiving the peace it brings, so the peace that this world doesn’t give you through God, is possible.
In other aspect, I hope that someday this society can be educated enough and the people stop stealing the personal belongings of the citizens. Finally, I think that everyone needs to start to get conscious of our environment that every day is getting more and more on the brink to become extinct because of us, and a good society needs good and aware people and a good environment where to live.

Thanks so much for your attention.

BY María José Vélez, Step 10