Friday, February 22, 2019

My EF Challenge Speech

Which Are My Hopes For The Future Of

 Our Society?

Good morning.
I am Juan Pablo Gómez, a Step 10th grader at American School, and today I am gonna display my prospective about which my hopes for the future of our society are.

If I see them under a pessimistic point of view, I dare to say they are not good at all due to the steps that we are taking, because though it is true that we are on the verge of attending a 4th Industrial Revolution that carries too many technological advances in the robotic field, we are forgetting our nature as human beings.

This is also going to bring a lot of unemployment due to the fact that any activity that is summarized in algorithms is going to be elaborated by machines and not only this, but also the increasing rate of poverty concerning our society. It is for this that society must be prepared already and study careers as engineering to be able to face this wave of unemployment that comes. 

On the other hand, our society already presents many problems, as:
1. Pollution
In our century, the effects of environmental  pollution on our human bodies are enormous. We destroy our environment day after day, which concerns our health and our
way of living. Unfortunately, the people do not realize of bad things like this, and how these toxic chemicals damage the air we breathe and the water that we drink, which threaten our lives.  Pollution is everywhere, and all those who live on this planet might be affected.
Everything I have said so far makes me think: What can be waited of a society with such self-destructive trends? a society that if goes on like that, is not going to have a place in that future to be able to develop, advance or evolve, by taking the humankind in their plans.

2. Poverty
Many countries around the world are having serious problems relating to poverty. Indeed, it is the reason why some of these countries are called the Third World or developing nations. But what is poverty? According to the standard of the United Nations, persons who live with $ 2, 5 through 2.00 per day or less are considered poor. If they live with $ 1, 90 per day or less, it is considered to be in extreme poverty. Unfortunately, the poverty is a massive problem of the world, and approximately 1 trillion of the persons who live in poverty are innocent children, but 22.000 of them die every day due to diseases derived from their poverty.
For me, this is one of the biggest problems that the society presents, but why? The answer is because of the consequences of being poor; for example: to be a poor person you have from nothing to poor quality food to eat, which is why there is so much malnutrition. 

To be a poor person, you should pay for your STUDIES, that in the majority of these poor nations is not for free, which worries me so much because with such a landscape, what advances can we make? If in social aspects we need to treat “this cancer” which is enclosed in a mind of someone who cannot pay for his studies.

For everything exposed before, if they ask me for what my hopes for the future of our society are? My serious response is that I hope that the persons are aware and study a lot, despite all adverse circumstances, and prepare themselves to be able to go out forward, build for the future we want to have because if we only hope that the future comes to us, we are going to be equal or worse than nowadays".

Thank you very much. 

Juan Pablo Gómez.