Friday, February 22, 2019

My Hopes and The Future

My Hopes and The Future

Good morning.
I am Mateo Aronna, a Step 10th grader at American School, and today I am gonna display my prospective about which my hopes for the future of our society are.
What are my hopes for the future of our society? Sadly, we don't know what is going to happen in the future, if we are making a bad decision or even taking the wrong path, but in the way that us, humans, are making decisions on our planet, we will face the consequences that will affect us and are affecting us nowadays.
We are living in an era of communications, where talking to someone that is in another part of the world is easier than it used to be, how is possible then that the same error is being made with all the power of communications that we have in our hands?  Humans do not understand the importance of taking care of the planet, the pollution and the wastes that are thrown away on rivers and oceans are making them die, and if these cases continue, the destiny of the planet is doomed, but there is still a little bit of hope and that hope is humans themselves, the same persons that are contaminating the planet can wake up and make aware others of this important problem to make it better.
There are millions of communities and hundreds of religions and billions of different individuals that can help to build a better future, the first step of the change is communication among all of us. We can make a change; we can defeat all the corrupted persons on Earth, the corrupted hands whose only happiness comes from power and money. That is the kind of people that damage our society and our future, only because they care about themselves, and this selfishness needs to be denounced because our future is in danger and we are the only ones that can change its fate for our future generations and for the survival of the human race as a whole.
To conclude, one thing that we need to improve is that we should fight for more balanced and integrated communication systems, where the media isn’t just serving the interests of the multinationals, but could be the platform to launch campaigns to end the damage that we have done to the earth because we are doing it to ourselves and 7 billion people more, so we shouldn’t be greedy and start making a change for our kids and upcoming generations.

“We’ve seen over time that countries that have the best economic growth are those that have good governance, and good governance comes from freedom of communication. It comes from ending corruption. It comes from a populace that can go online and say, 'This politician is corrupt, this administrator, or this public official is corrupt.' Ramez Naam


By Mateo Aronna, Step 10