Friday, February 22, 2019

EF Challenge Speech 2019

EF Challenge Speech 2019

My name is Daniela Oñate, I’m 16 years old, I study at American School and I’m glad to share my point of view with you. 

Society? What is that? How should it be? Let me tell you that
nowadays we are living in a society that in the future will be based much more on technology. In the future, countries around the world will be focused on the technological mobile experiences and they will have a great impact on the people.

For example, highly technological companies are working for improving the medical assistance of the ambulances, so vans in a future will access to the information of the patients with just their fingerprints.

Nevertheless, the nowadays' economy will revolutionize the mobile technology, it might take us to extreme sedentary lifestyles and individualism, that will bring us to think in a solution for avoiding those consequences of having everything at hand.

Also, I think that our future society will be too much dependable on technology, which has the risk that if the people don’t manage well the advantages that technology has, like nanotechnology, robotics, artificial intelligence, education, industry, virtual reality and even more, it will be the determinant factor in the future for failures and it could provoke extreme poverty and exclusion of the population.

In conclusion, for assimilating the future we need to understand that in the present we depend a 30% on technology and their advances in a future can create two societies, one that benefits for the technological advances and another that could be suffering their wrongs. I think that people need to be conscious that technology would change our lives and I hope that will revolutionize the world for its sake. 

“Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master.” -Christian Lous Lange.

Thanks so much!

By Daniela Oñate, Step 10