Friday, February 22, 2019

My First EF Challenge Speech

My First EF Challenge Speech

Hi !

I am Juan Cabrera, and I want to introduce myself to you. I am a tenth grader at American School and I am going to present my analysis of the future for the society to you.

The future in our society for me is going to be bad. Presently, people are mediocre and the teenagers aren’t the best version of themselves because of all the bad habits that this society has made them acquired with the pass of the years, since they misbehave all the time, they think they are right in everything, but they don’t. 

A lot of teenagers take bad decisions that affect their lives and also others' people’s lives. It is not just teenagers who
have these problems, adults too and they are the reason teenagers are doing bad things because if they don’t have a good example set in life, they think that being bad is good, so that’s why I asked myself, why are people expecting a good society in the future?

And I can’t find the answer, but that’s okay. With the pass of the years, I’ll be able to know the answer. For me, the society in a future is going to be worse than today’s, the society will decay because of the bad people that are in this world, so every day more kids are born and they increase the amount of people that are not going to let the society grow because their parents are not well educated and they start to educate their kids in their ways and kids may begin to convert themselves into little monsters of the society.

On the other hand, I think that this kind of people can be better someday, with the help of certain doctors specialized in psychology. My hopes are that people someday will be more productive, they will contribute with something that is going to be good for our society because being productive is being responsible and conscious that our society in these days is a mess and that’s something we need to improve.

People are trying to be the persons that one day they dreamt, but they can’t achieve their dreams because of this ill society; however, people need to care more for their lives and start knowing that letting this society destroy you is not a good idea. They need to be strong enough and take their decisions in a good way, which is not just going to be done by God because their lives are good for the society. 

To conclude, I think that I can help the society by changing the way that I have to make the things and I will create and organize a campaign based on trying to convert people’s lives in their perfect way to be and live.


By Juan Pablo Cabrera, Step 10