Friday, February 22, 2019

E.F Challenge, My Speech.

E.F Challenge, My Speech.

Greetings, my name is Juliana Restrepo and I am an eighth grade student attending American School. Today, I’d like to present in this speech my perspective on how our future is going to be.

What do you see when you think about YOUR future? Maybe a pretty house, with a family, having a nice stable job; however, do you think about what you have to do to get there? Are you contributing to your future? 

In my perspective, when I think about my future I’d like to see a better world, healthy, uncontaminated, peaceful; nevertheless, can this be possible? Do you want to hand to your children or grandchildren a world where there still exist war, discrimination, contamination? Do you want to hand a world where as a woman, it is dangerous to go outside at certain time of the day? where as a girl, you have been taught to not trust anyone, where as a mother, you cannot be tattooed or even have the hair color you like because you’ll be judged.

Are you totally sure you want your next generations to suffer like this? To live in a world where your children will probably not know what the stars look like, they will probably don’t know a lot of the animal species you do, because thanks to the human being everything is disappearing. 

Despite that, I am not saying it is all lost, because it isn’t. I
personally do believe that us, as human beings -the same species that caused all of this disastrous things- can change this. We are able to do this if we’re determinated to, because a lot of us don’t want to live on a contaminated and polluted planet. Yes, we are running out of drinking water, the air of probably all the countries is polluted, animals are in extinction danger. 
As we can witness, some animals that are on the brink of extinction may be orangutans, since in the past 60 years there has been a 50% decline in their population. Or the South China tiger who is only found in captivity. But I have hope that we can make this, we can react positively on time. 

Just take a look to all of the great technological advances we have made, we are capable of changing our world completely and abolish any bad thing in it. We can make of Earth a better planet, where working women  in the same position and with equal qualifications, get matching salaries as men receive, where children can trust people, where nature is as healthy as it has ever been, where people learn to take care of nature, we just have to be motivated and not loose hope. 

If we are motivated for changing, we can even have a world where politicians are fair, where people aren’t discriminated because of their skin color, sexuality, gender or their particular conditions, but instead being helped, accepted and treated with equality and equity. 

I deepfully trust the human kind to change, for us to live not in a hopeless place, but in a hopeful, beautiful world. 

Thank you very much for listening to my perspective of our future. Remember, a change is always possible, and as Mahatma Gandhi used to say “In a gentle way, you can shake the world.”

By Juliana Restrepo, Step 8