Friday, February 22, 2019

My First Draft for the EF Challenge

My First Draft for the EF Challenge

Good morning.
I am Luis Eduardo Portela, a 10th grader at American School. I am very positive about our future and I am sharing my expectations with you.

In the future for me the society will be really good, because people will be more educated. If the people these days are curious, they will start to think of what to do for the future. 

The future that we want is a beautiful one with opportunities for everyone, a future that may make us happy and feel in peace, one different from the presently projected one that is damaging our lives, but not because of a strange reason it’s just because of us, we are damaging our present instead of cultivating good customs for the years to come.

My expectations for the future are that the schools will teach a lot of new things, based on the reality of the world. Also jobs can be better paid, because in the present people are always trying to succeed, but in the future everyone is going to gain what they deserve.

In the future, technology is going to command and everything
is going to be technological, like in a mechanical way the cars will drive themselves through remote controlling, the airplanes too and the stewardesses will be nice computers. Motorcycles will not need gasoline, they are going to be able to function with electricity and I hope that with sunlight powered batteries too.

In the ambit of schools and universities, books and notebooks will be extinct, there are going to be some kind of tablets that will be very useful and with them we can take care of our trees, their campuses will have some machines that are going to be able to deliver your food, or clothes or whatever you need.

In the area of jobs, people are going to be the ones that
make all the machines in the world, the thing that will make our lives easier and better. Also, the families are going to be closer to each other because they can spend a lot of time if they have machines to work for them, studying, working and transporting themselves.

In the future, people can make their exercises and they will be easier because I hope people invent some kind of weight lose machine that helps everybody with their health, because most of the American population are suffering from obesity driven problems and that is something that in the future I hope people may get conscious, that a healthy body is a healthy life, and that’s how everybody must be in our society to prevent diseases and unexpected deaths of our loved ones.

The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power. Unknown

Thank you.

By Luis Eduardo Portela, Step 10