Friday, February 22, 2019

The Cold War

The Cold War: A New Period of DiplomaticTensions

The Cold War was the period comprised from 1945 to 1991, in which the United States and the Soviet Union experienced
economic, political and military tension after the Second World War finished and as soon as their powers were being tested and shifted. The Soviet Union wanted more territories, while the United States wanted to refrain the Soviets from gaining much more adepts. 

As a result of this diplomatic battlefield, many cases arose where spies were involved by both sides, which brought fear in both powerful nations and there was always the tension for a possible war to erupt.

Main events that came as consequences of the Cold War, such as the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Bay of Pigs, the Soviet Invasion of Hungary, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the U2 incident apparently brought the world to the brink of a Nuclear War and annihilation.

But in the end this gave the world a lesson not to ever forget about on how the tension between these powerful empires ended up as a continual cold war that nowadays is reaching its fever point with the conflict in Venezuela and its crisis where nations like Russia, China, Cuba, Turkey, and Uruguay are in favor of Maduro while more than 50 other nations led by the USA are against him and his policies and in favor of Juan Guaidó. 
How is it going to end?  How long is this new Cold War to last?

By Mariana Correa, Step 10