Thursday, June 13, 2019

Book Review

Una Sonata de Verano By Belén Martínez
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Casio Oliver is obsessed with Winter Prelude, the first book by Óscar Salvatierra, a retired writer. During the summer vacations, Casio goes to Aguablanca, the town where Winter Prelude develops. There, he tries to forget his past love story, without even realizing that a new love story began long ago, with a boy who offered him an umbrella in the rain, a mansion on a cliff, and a book that hides magic, death, mystery and love among his pages.

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This is a story that hides magic among its pages, in many different aspects. Casio, the main character, is a boy who is broken, but he does not want to talk about it, this is why those vacations to Aguablanca are perfect to go through his problems, but he does not expect to find Marc Valls in this town. Marc is a boy from the rich school across the street. He appears cold and distant, but he is kind and nice, but hides a painful secret that might change it all.

"All my stories happened in real life. All the characters that appear in my books are people I met. The only thing I did was changing their names"

Those weeks become a magical experience that allows Casio to overcome the pain from the past, helps Marc to beat all his demons, and together, they are able to build a beautiful relationship that continuous to grow stronger day by day.

"This summer is different. For you. It is the first time that I don't want it to be September"

This book deals with a lot of serious actual problems, like homophobia, abuse, bullying, not being able to accept yourself and family violence. And it leaves the reader with a beautiful conclusion about love that might totally change the life perspective of the reader.

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Marc Casio

This book has it all, the setting is beautiful, with a magical touch that brings you inside the story, the characters are excellently developed, and the story is catching and well-constructed.
Besides, this book hides a meaningful teaching lesson among its pages. Today’s youth needs to see more books like this one. And in this pride month is perfect to learn something new while enjoying a great story.

"In which moment interest becomes fascination? In which instant fascination becomes something that can´t be described with words, but you feel it deep inside? I think I just discovered the answer. Right now. While I look into Marc Valls´eyes."

By: Camila Orozco and
Maria Camila Pinzón, Step 9