Thursday, June 13, 2019

Leave Us Alone!


On a very far planet called Misuray two people lived or Okay, maybe they weren’t even people. They seemed like aliens, their skin was a mixture of colors, such as purple, green and gold. Their eyes turned red when they were angry, blue when they were happy and silver when they were sad. So they do not categorize as humans. 

No one knew about of their existence, until one day when an astronaut decided to explore a little bit more and discovered this planet. Right after his discovery, he released a report in which he told all these, prior mentioned, to the rest of the world. 

Everyone was amazed because it was a planet that anyone knew about, but that was the only information they had, because the astronaut did not research a little bit more, so he could not see if there was someone living there. So, a colleague decided to do it and discovered what I already told you. 

He found these two strange human beings and he took
photos, so everyone could see them. When he did that, lots of astronauts began to bother them by taking them photos, and pieces of things that were on this planet. When these two strange people noticed this, they got very angry and they began to attack the Earth. 

They threw bombs, so they destroyed lots of places, no one could do anything because it was impossible to talk with them. So no one knew what to do, a crisis was beginning, or to be more specific, a war. Everyone was hiding, and sending messages to them; however, they did not understand anything, until one day one superhero appeared and traveled to Misuray.

He knew the language they talked, so he could speak with them about everything that was happening. First of all, he told them that no one wanted to hurt them, so they asked why everyone  was bothering them by taking them pictures and pieces of things off of their planet. The superhero answered and explained to them that it was in this way that people on the Earth acted like. 

When they saw something strange or new, they began to
research about it to know in an excellent way all about it, but it was not with the intention of bothering anyone. He told them to understand these people and to please forgive them if they caused them anger. On a polite form, these two guys forgave them but asked them too to please leave them alone. They told the superhero that they were very happy living alone in Misuray and that they did not want to have any contact with any people of Earth. They do not even like them because they have heard that they contaminated lots and they do not want that for their planet.

So the superhero went back and told all these to the entire Earth, everyone understood and also took this piece of advice that the guys on Misuray told them. Not to contaminate the environment so everyone could live happily and on a healthy way.

By Rosmery Anaya, Step 11.